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Discord has become a catastrophe

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Abderianearned bits
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Despite the name, this thread isn't (just) a boomer complaint about "le evil discord killing rp."

I'd say it is undeniable that a large chunk of writers/prospective writers have left traditional forums and migrated to Discord servers (Case in point: a search for "Jujutsu Kaisen forum rp" has three relevant results, one of which never opened, one died in 2021, and the last died in 2022. A search for Jujutsu Kaisen rp on Disboard shows ~96 servers. I assume some are dead, some in other languages, but the point stands.) but aside from that, which you could argue is a matter of personal taste for platform, there's a bigger problem.

It isn't just roleplay forums which have moved to Discord. General purpose forums have also moved in massive numbers. So have official forums: for instance, Amazon's MMO New World had a thriving forum.

"With the launch of our official New World Discord along with the features, functionality, and accessibility for players we have made the decision to embrace Discord as our primary engagement platform for New World moving forward," Amazon said. "To help us add as much value as possible to our Discord server, we will be sunsetting the New World forums which will allow our staff to focus on providing quality engagement opportunities in a central, and easily accessible platform."

The community as a whole was forcefully moved to Discord and posting on the forums was disabled as a "sunsetting measure" to ensure compliance.

The issue I want to illustrate with this is archivability. Let's say you've created a new character in the game and have a specific question about something - say, about how a particular ability functions. On a forum, it would be a simple matter to search for your problem and find a topic on it - or if it didn't exist, create one and get helpful answers. Going forward, people with the same issue could easily find the solution via the forum or even with a google search.

Now with the move to Discord if you had that same question, you'd have to: A. Create a Discord account. B. Hope the Discord invite still functions. C. Hope you can find something relevant buried in the Discord using an obtuse search system. D. When you can't, ask it and hope you don't get buried in an avalanche of irreverent one-liners and pseudo-tweets.

You've all used Discord servers, I'm sure - no doubt you can corroborate that most of the time, they're chatboxes. Which is fine, because in our hobby that's why we even use them. But topics get repeated ad nauseam (Which faction should I join? - Mine! Well x is popping off lately - repeated dozens of time over a site's life.) rather than having a single, dedicated thread with full-length helpful answers that can be easily referred to again and again. (Not to say OOC posts were always full-length or helpful.)

The reasons for this trend are probably numerous. For large companies, etc. I imagine part of it is that Discord servers are free. But the results are disastrous. This isn't even mentioning the possibility of Discord servers being deleted, or being rendered akin to by expired invites. All that information, gone. More pertinently, all those threads. Gone. Years of writing, potentially, vanished if you didn't save copies.

tldr; Discord has killed (all, not just rp) forums as a medium. Going forward, all the information in those servers will not be safely stored or easily (publicly) accessible.

What are your thoughts?

last edit on Jul 16, 2023 13:47:43 GMT by Abderian
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sister ghoulearned bits
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i think a lot of it has to do with the rising expectations for what a rp site should look like. back in the day, you could basically make a skin yourself on proboards v4. throw some codes (bc everything was a lot more open source back then) and you had a website. but now, there's just so much shit that goes into starting a website. you can't just have the nice skin, but you have to have the really nice templates, everything has to look semi-professional for anyone to want to join it. 

whereas with discord, it's relatively easy to set up. if you understand how bots work and know how to use them, you're in business. you can manage a discord almost the same as you would a rp site, without all of the bells and whistles, but also all the extra bullshit expectations and aesthetic nonsense that goes into setting up an rp site these days. 

while i agree with you, and staunchly prefer forums over discord for frequent rp- i think it's very easy to see why so many people have made the jump. 

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Solaearned bits
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As Someone who has come from and ran Discord RP Servers before, they were highly functional back in the day and still exist in communities as easily available chats between characters. One of the biggest I can think of that is still alive and functioning off of discord is Xara Cosmia, which has a blog on tumblr where you can see character applications that are accepted as well as reserves. 

I do think that forcing whole forums to move to discord roleplay is a large adjustment. Discord RP Is difficult to transition too especially when you're used to the way of a forum. But now Discord also has those forum features where you can create topics for people to discuss in, just like a forum. 
I'm not saying discord is a good new medium, I'm just saying it's really easy to set up and maintain. 

But I do agree that it is a difficult adjustment especially when people use their discord accounts as profiles for themselves and not the characters they play, and even then some discord rps force you to have several discords to switch between and that's literally exhausting when there's something going on in the chat and you just want to reply with more than one character. 
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Kuroyaearned bits
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in all honesty, i think you're touching on two entirely separate problems here, and in my opinion, neither of them are solely a discord problem.

in terms of rping, i actually blame discord itself less and a combination of a lot of factors more.

as a few people have mentioned, there's a much higher expectation for forums than for discord - not just on the creation side (since imo skins have not only grown more complicated than they once were but they also have shifted increasingly towards being a paid commodity, which makes it harder for young people who may not have disposable income to be able to compete against those in the community who do, especially when you throw in other "expected" expenses like jcink premium or server boosts from discord nitro) but on the member side too. there's less of a learning curve for navigation, especially for mobile users, and there's a lot more of an expectation of "it's not pretty but it works" than "it has to be absolutely perfect or else i can't do it".

this also creates a much bigger "sunken cost" fallacy for forum rp than discord rp. after all, when you've spent so much time and energy (and potentially money, if you build the site) to go through the application process, get approved, try to find people to write with, get threads going, see those threads get replied to, and so on... it definitely stings whenever you realize that you just don't jive with the community or you aren't really all that excited anymore about your threads or you don't have the time to be able to rp there or whatever other reason leads you to walk away from a site. and that can lead to burnout a whole heck of a lot faster as a result.

discord also just generally has a faster culture than forums do (and like, bruh, ofc people are gonna be a lot more enthusiastic and invested in threads they're getting new content for daily, if not multiple times a day, instead of only once a month or less frequently); is generally more mobile-friendly (i can do literally everything on discord from my phone other than make avatars for tuppers for basically the exact same experience i'd have to do it from a desktop, which is something i haven't had with forums in almost a decade now); and just generally benefits from search engine prioritization (since if you google "[fandom] rp", the results used to list forums in the way it does now with discord servers / disboard) in a way that makes it easier for new rpers to find + get into the platform.

i could go on, but this is probably enough of a ramble to make my point.

outside of rping, with the archival issue... honestly, i think this is something the wider internet as a whole is struggling with.

to be clear, you're absolutely right that it's a wider tragedy that a lot of formerly public access content is being moved to more private discord servers. yahoo answers shutting down were a major loss for a lot of people, since it removed a huge resource for people who happened to be having the same problem in this the year of our lord 2023 that someone else had and solved back in 2008.

but i also don't think this problem is discord-specific. like i alluded to, yahoo answers going defunct was a huge example of exactly this and when reddit went on strike, we saw the same glaring problem with privatizing large swaths of knowledge on the internet. we've been seeing it on all fronts, as news sources have gone under or put access behind paywalls and as more sites have gone defunct or removed old content or otherwise made it more difficult to locate old content. twitter is limiting the amount of tweets you can view. tumblr dashboards no longer link to specific posts anymore. streaming sites are unlisting content to write them off as a loss, library systems are struggling in the face of amazon and audible, the video game industry has a stranglehold on old games + consoles they no longer sell, twitter is purging old accounts that haven't been used in x amount of time, archival sites are under attack in the name of preserving copyrights. the list goes on and on.

don't get me wrong, discord is definitely doing its fair part in pushing along that transition to make what used to be publicly accessible content into content that can only be accessed in semi-private spaces that aren't publicly searchable. but i think it's also negligent to ignore the fact that we are in a much wider context for this being a problem in the wider internet landscape. we are not in a great time in history in regards to archival and long-term access. and that's not likely to be a problem to get any better (hello potential twitter collapse removing large sections of the historical record of certain events!) without doing some large-scale changes in how we as a society handle the internet. so. yeah.

edit also whoops i beat around the bush that actually got to for the fact that uh. y'know. forums can still be deleted or go into an offline mode you can't access as a long-former member. forum hosts can still go out entirely. jcink premium sites get locked once their premium subscription is no longer paid. this also has the exact same effect of preventing people from accessing old rp content if they didn't save it, so. accessing old rp content is also not #JustDiscordThings l-lol.
last edit on Jul 16, 2023 16:33:27 GMT by Kuroya
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ace.earned bits
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I took a little piece of your heart, don't hate me.
tbvfh the quality of discord rp is rather low across the board...i don't think the circles of people who write there vs. on forums overlap much. like if the server's not a.) adhering to outdated conventions (word counts, "literacy standards" that ultimately sum out to word count, passwords in the rules, etc.) then it's b.) without any actual lore/plot structure past a single paragraph that's like "we are in a kingdom based off of [insert media here]." if somehow it's not any of that -- it almost certainly will be though -- then it's most definitely populated by 16 y/o's and/or using rl face claims.

like those jjk servers you've mentioned are probably just 102391923012903 rp channels nobody's ever going to write in for real + some rules and that's....it. they will most certainly die within the month, if not earlier.

+ many forums have been totally bombed from the internet, or (in jcink's case) the subscription's run out so nothing's accessible, therefore i don't think the data archival issue is unique to discord.

tl;dr: discord's not killing forum rp (imo). i really can't see the average forum rper wanting to write in the average discord server. forum rpers are just getting older and busier elsewhere, or tired of certain bs after encountering it for several years.
last edit on Jul 16, 2023 16:37:30 GMT by ace.
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travellerearned bits
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discord also just generally has a faster culture than forums do (and like, bruh, ofc people are gonna be a lot more enthusiastic and invested in threads they're getting new content for daily, if not multiple times a day, instead of only once a month or less frequently)

Wouldn't it be nice if we ditched that culture for forum RPs and started posting more too? I kinda miss The Good Old Days when internet connections were metered and disappeared when your aunt rang--wait, no, I don't miss that.

But I do miss when many forum RPs had an expectation of checking in multiple times a day, if not just sitting down for an hour and continuously just posting, posting, posting, because things were done "in real time". We didn't have these expectations of penning literary works for an RP post, and everything was nice. Till the word counts invaded and suddenly, lengthy posts were good posts, despite meandering on for ages and being a chore to read, a part-time job to process, and a pain in the ass to reply to

I've seen some solid Discord RPs, but haven't joined them because newfangled things scare me. I'd moreso take issue with everything being on Discord, though; centralising everything to one place just results in the same debacle that surrounds Twitter and Reddit now.
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mellowโ™กearned bits
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i blame people more than i blame discord.

the friends i've lost to discord rp all write in completely closed communities. they have their clan that they met through various sites over the years on proboards, and they're happy with it. they change up the theme, the characters, the stories, and write with people that they know are on the same wavelength. that's great for them! but it doesn't work for me. i need new folks to breathe fresh concepts into a story.

the chief reason i still use forums? formatting is important to me. when i have a brick of text, i want it to be in a format that doesn't play with my eyes, and discord doesn't provide that.

the second reason is because, legit, i have had serious struggle vibing with what open discord communities i've joined. it seems like the greater majority of writers in the servers i've scoped out don't flesh out their characters beyond the initial concept or hook - and it makes the interactions fall flat for me. i've met a few that prefer inventing things as they go rather than hiding things for me to discover later. it works for them. i just don't like that style of writing.

the investment that forums command is definitely a part of what lets me enjoy them so much. i would love to go back to the days of checking in on forums as much as you'd check a discord. discord tag systems are great though, i think they bring a lot to the table.

worth noting, too, that i can't really argue on the "phone accessibility" issue because - i absolutely never use my phone for roleplay. pc only over here.

tldr is in the first line. it's not the platform. it's genuinely people. interests, styles, and available times are different than what they used to be.

and that's fine. folks are entitled to what works for them.
last edit on Jul 17, 2023 0:54:53 GMT by mellowโ™ก
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scarletearned bits
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I personally don't view Discord RP and forum RP as the same medium.

In my mind, if a community moves to Discord from a forum, I imagine it's because the majority of its community finds real-time RP more satisfying than the slower pace of forums.

Rarely do you see Discord RP moving to forums because the people who are drawn to Discord RP want and crave the immediacy of the medium. Slowing down to a forum pace can make people irritable who are used to instant gratification.

Meanwhile, running a successful forum requires more consistent modding and effort to keep attention across a longer period of time. People have those expectations of forums, but they don't of Discord RP. Volunteers who are willing to put in that effort and sustain it for forums over multiple years are rare, making them harder to successfully run long-term.

If I were to guess, the result would be there will be many more Discord servers to serve the needs of those who prefer that writing style, while there will be a smaller group of active, well-modded forums to serve the people who enjoy the other.
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Salmonearned bits
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Parroting the above, but yes. Discord RP and forum RP are two different beasts with different cultures and etiquettes. Discord certainly isnโ€™t killing forum rp, itโ€™s just catering to a different audience and if a forum is moving to discord then itโ€™s to ensure is catering to its user base. You could also argue that character.ai is killing rp but again itโ€™s a different beast that caters to a different audience that want an rp experience to what is offering by forum and discord
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Deletedearned bits
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I really really hate Discord RPing personally, because it makes scheduling a nightmare. Okay, so you're in the middle of a scene. And sure, you can do it faster and in real-time...but what if the other person has to eat dinner first? And what if you're in a group thing and one of the players is unavailable? With forums it's a lot easier, because time-stamps aren't that big a deal. You can just post whenever, and the berth given between posts is typically a week or so. It's so much easier to manage.

I will say though that adding to what's already been said, a lot of new RPers are ported over from Discord. Of course they'll use the software they're familiar with over a software they're not familiar with (and may even view as antiquated).
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Aerieearned bits
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idk anyone within my circle who has gone from forum to discord rp, but i have seen people come from discord rps to forum
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